Training for Local Business Partners
Mountain Maryland Forward (MMF) provides trainings for employers to develop and improve professional relationships with workers, enhance workplace culture and to nurture a supportive growth environment for all. Our trainers are based in Appalachian Maryland.
Specialized courses for businesses include trauma-informed and resilience-oriented training. Trauma is important to address because it impacts a person’s ability to perform at a high level in the workplace, as well as having wider community and economic costs. Resilience is learning to successfully adapt to trauma, tragedy, or stress. It is not uncommon for those experiencing substance use disorders and challenges to have long-lasting social, physical, spiritual, and/or psychological effects. Like PTSD, these are subjective reactions and can appear without warning. Such experiences can affect an individual’s overall wellbeing.

Training for Recovery House Residents and Peer Recovery Specialists
Most individuals in an addiction treatment program or on a new recovery journey want to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Not being able to find employment and/or lacking certain workplace skills can put a damper on that intention. Training in basic skills can improve workforce-readiness and bolster self-esteem.
For some, seeking employment in the helping professions as a Peer Recovery Specialist is empowering, yet many regional residents don’t understand the training and certification process.
The MMF program enables Appalachian residents to receive guidance and local training options that won’t require out of town travel. MMF offers education options including a complete peer recovery specialist certification curriculum that meets all State of Maryland training requirements.