Mountain Maryland Forward (MMF) provides specialized training in the form of lesson videos and a library of information resources that will help you achieve your goals. To access the training area–powered by Canvas–you will need a username and password from the MMF team. If you don’t have yours yet, contact us at:
Businesses step up: Make your business a Recovery-Ready Workplace. MMF has a library of training for employers participating in our internship program. Topics include an overview of the overdose crisis, the basics of harm reduction, psychological safety at work, and tools to support employees in recovery. Login now.
Jobs help recovery: Your recovery is a strength, let’s build on it. The MMF internship program has a training library that will help increase your workforce readiness. Topics include resume building, unconscious bias, psychological safety in the workplace, life planning, confidence building, and time management. Login now.
Become a peer: Take your recovery to the streets and help others find their way. MMF can help you meet your goal of becoming a Maryland Certified Peer Recovery Specialist. With specialized training and guidance, peers draw from their own recovery journey to inspire hope and provide support to others who are facing similar situations. Login now.